6 Teeth Whitening FAQs

Teeth Whitening West Hollywood, CA

Teeth whitening is a dental procedure that can significantly reduce staining. Having the treatment done professionally by a dentist is a safe and effective way to see great results.

Want to learn more about professional teeth whitening? When considering this treatment option, It is a good idea to take get familiar with all of the facts. This article outlines some commonly asked questions regarding the whitening process.

6 Common questions and answers about teeth whitening

The following questions about teeth whitening are frequently asked by patients. The answers provided can be helpful when considering whether to undergo teeth whitening. Read on to learn more about what to expect from the process.

1. Is teeth whitening safe?

Yes. Many people are under the mindset that teeth whitening is not safe, which is far from the truth. When done professionally, teeth whitening is very safe. What is important to understand is that overdoing it can be harmful. The enamel is temporarily stripped during the whitening process which, if overdone, can be harmful to the teeth long-term.

2. Will teeth whitening results last forever?

Sadly, no. Teeth whitening results can, however, last up to five to 10 years. Patients that practice good oral health routines are more likely to see results that last longer. Brushing the teeth after every meal and avoiding drinks and foods that are heavily dyed can all aid in making the results last.

3. Is sensitivity normal?

Yes. Teeth whitening is known to cause minor sensitivity during and after the procedure. The products used for whitening contain peroxide, which is used to strip the enamel. When the enamel is stripped of the stains, the teeth are more vulnerable, which can cause temporary sensitivity to hot or cold items.

4. How often can teeth whitening be done?

Professional teeth whitening should be done in moderation. Most dentists will recommend the procedure be done every five to six months, depending on the patient's situation. Overdoing it can cause long-lasting sensitivity, as well as unhealthy teeth.

5. At what age can teeth whitening take place?

For the most part, teeth whitening can take place once a patient reaches their teenage years. Dentists do not recommend teeth whitening for children or patients that still have baby teeth. Adults are typically the best candidates for the procedure because their teeth are developed and have years of stains.

6. Are there ways to make teeth whitening results last?

There are a few things that patients can do to make their teeth whitening results last. Some of the best ways include the following:

  • Brush after every meal
  • Avoid heavily dyed beverages such as wine, tea or coffee
  • Maintain regular cleaning appointments with a dental hygienist
  • Avoid dyed mouthwashes

Get started with teeth whitening today!

Undergoing a teeth whitening procedure can be beneficial to your smile. Any questions or concerns regarding this treatment should be addressed by a dentist. Contact us to get started today.

Request an appointment here: https://www.beverlyhillssmilecare.com or call Mitra H. Bral, DDS at (310) 907-8467 for an appointment in our West Hollywood office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Teeth Whitening in West Hollywood, CA.

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